Wordpress theme setup is easy compare to blogger
The best thing about any blog which should be taken care by any blogger is the selection of proper theme for the blog. This is very important as theme is the first thing that makes an impression about the blog in the eye of the blog visitor. A combination of good content with incorrect blog theme will kill the blog. So, the theme is the first thing about your blog who will decide the fate of your blog.
The best thing about selection of Wordpress blog theme is that it is available for all types of people who are either willing to purchase Wordpress premium blog themes or willing to collect tonnes of free wordpress themes available online. Similarly templates for blogspot are also available as premium paid blogspot theme and free blogspot themes.
But the real problem starts with selection and setup of free blogging themes.
Those who use paid or premium Wordpress theme or paid or premium blogspot template would less likely to change their themes of blog once it is setup. But for the free wordpress themes or free blogspot template users, the scenario is somewhat different. They more often tends to change their blog themes either due to the reason that they have got better and new blog theme than existing or the existing theme has some flaw. Now this is the time when Wordpress has extra advantage over blogspot or blogger.
Wordpress theme setup has advantage over blogspot or blogger.
The free theme users either from blogspot/ blogger or Wordpress needs their themes to get change.
New Blogger template setting problem.
But the main problem about changing any existing template in blogspot is that whenever the blogger changes their template, the most of added widget will get deleted every time. And after the new template has been uploaded all the widgets need to to add to it from the scratch excepting those which are already present as default for the new template.
New Wordpress theme setup advantages.
Wordpress does not have such disadvantage for setting up of new theme every time to its blogs. Instead it has gain extra advantage of replacing better themes with the existing ones. While applying the new Wordpress theme for your blog, all the widgets will remain intact and get adapted with the new theme. The advantage you are getting with the new Wordpress theme is that you are getting more features if any associated with the new theme you are installing. Hence Wordpress (free or self hosted blogging) platform always has better advantage in regards of template setup of blogger.com.